About Us

Founded in 1952, Raja & Omar Haroun Law Firm is a leading legal institution in Syria, offering expert services across maritime, corporate, and commercial law.

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Mergers & Acquisitions

Since 1952, Raja & Omar Haroun Law Firm has been involved in various high-profile mergers and acquisitions. We work alongside local and multinational companies providing comprehensive legal support throughout every stage of the process. From initial negotiations and due diligence to drafting and finalizing agreements, we work diligently to protect our clients' interests and achieve their strategic business objectives.

We provide comprehensive support throughout every stage of mergers and acquisitions, including initial negotiations, due diligence, drafting, and finalizing agreements.

Yes, we work alongside both local and multinational companies to ensure that their interests are protected and their business objectives are achieved.

We diligently handle all aspects of the M&A process, from detailed due diligence to carefully drafted agreements, ensuring that every step aligns with our clients’ strategic goals and legal requirements.

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Mergers & Acquisitions | Raja & Omar Haroun Law Firm